HS takes a physical and emotional toll on your life that can make you feel isolated. But you are not alone. These HStory Makers are breaking the silence around HS by sharing their personal experiences in videos inspired by their everyday struggles and victories.
Listen to learn more about their journeys and the importance of talking with a dermatologist who understands HS.
“It was important to me to share my story to help others…”
Liz Made HStory by starring in a video about her journey with HS, from finding the right dermatologist, to becoming a true advocate, to wearing clothes she loves and enjoying date night with her husband.
“Having HS and working out definitely feels empowering now.”
Cydney Made HStory by starring in a video about her journey with HS, from advocating for her thousands of social media followers to feeling comfortable and proud working out at the gym.
“What I would tell anybody, especially if they’re early on in this…you are your biggest advocate.”
Mario Made HStory by starring in a video about his journey with HS, from finding a dermatologist who understood his condition to learning how to relax at the pool with his family.
“Because of the intimacy of hidradenitis suppurativa and the way that it presents, you have to have someone you trust with your body.”
Leia Made HStory by doing a boudoir photo shoot for her birthday. It’s a reminder that she found a way to be more comfortable with her body and her self-image.
What’s your HStory?
Explore your personal journey and have better conversations with your dermatologist.