What Are Your HS Triggers?

Living with hs

HS is thought to be caused by genetics and an overactive immune system, but some things may make flare-ups worse or more frequent when you already have HS. Let’s explore some of the most common triggers.

Highly processed foods can have a negative effect on gut health—and studies have shown a healthy gut helps lessen inflammation in the body.

Dairy products like ice cream, butter, whole milk, and cheese may cause inflammation and worsen HS—but low-fat dairy and yogurt with probiotics may reduce it.

Foods that spike insulin, like sugar and sweets, and refined carbs, like white bread, pasta, and crackers, cause insulin spikes that could lead to inflammation and HS flare-ups.

Brewer’s yeast, found in beer, bread, wine, and other foods, may cause HS flare-ups—particularly if you’re gluten intolerant or sensitive.

Many people living with HS believe that stress is one of the biggest triggers for an HS flare.

Alcohol is known to be inflammatory and can make HS symptoms worse.

Smoking is believed to be one of the most common triggers of HS. Research shows that up to 90% of people with HS are smokers.
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    Icon: Highly processed foods

    Highly processed foods can have a negative effect on gut health—and studies have shown a healthy gut helps lessen inflammation in the body.

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    Icon: dairy products

    Dairy products like ice cream, butter, whole milk, and cheese may cause inflammation and worsen HS—but low-fat dairy and yogurt with probiotics may reduce it.

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    Icon: candy

    Foods that spike insulin, like sugar and sweets, and refined carbs, like white bread, pasta, and crackers, cause insulin spikes that could lead to inflammation and HS flare-ups.

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    Icon: bread

    Brewer’s yeast, found in beer, bread, wine, and other foods, may cause HS flare-ups—particularly if you’re gluten intolerant or sensitive.

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    Icon: stress

    Many people living with HS believe that stress is one of the biggest triggers for an HS flare.

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    Icon: alcohol

    Alcohol is known to be inflammatory and can make HS symptoms worse.

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    Icon: Smoking

    Smoking is believed to be one of the most common triggers of HS. Research shows that up to 90% of people with HS are smokers.

everyone is unique.

It’s important to know that different triggers can affect HS in various ways for different people.

Try eliminating one potential trigger at a time and keeping a journal of symptoms and things you eat—it can be helpful in learning what causes your flare-ups.

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